So Your Wikidot Site Has Disappeared?

First of all…


Take a few slow long breaths. Relax. It's going to be alright. Your content and data has not disappeared, it's just waiting in limbo, and can be instantly restored by the Wikidot team.

There's a few reasons for why your Wikidot site has disappeared, but most typically:

  • You've forgotten your site's web address
  • You deleted your site (accidentally or otherwise)
  • Your site was removed automatically by the spambot
  • Your site was removed manually due to a suspected breach in the ToS

If you think you might have deleted the website yourself, see this tutorial to restore it yourself, instantly. However if your website has been taken down without your consent, and you believe that you haven't violated the ToS, simply fill out this application and your site will be reviewed within 24 hours.